Why subscribe?

Doing marketing is hard. Doing intentional marketing is even harder.

My goal with Marketing For Geeks is to help founders, marketers, and growth PMs think deeper about marketing and create more sustainable strategies. Growth and marketing should be repeatable and adaptable.

This is why every month, I share actionable insights, tips, and strategies on Marketing For Geeks. These insights will include one interesting thing (a deep dive into a case study, marketing theory, or topic), three actionable insights you can implement in your product right away, and three pieces of marketing (anything from terrible design, great copy, intuitive features, and more) that I rate with 👍🏽 or 👎🏽.

Every other week, I do a deep dive into a successful project, product, or campaign, with the help of a leading marketer who managed it. My personal favourite?

Access to resources, playbooks, and templates

Over time, I will share access to some of my marketing playbooks, resources, and templates. For starters, when you subscribe, I will share my resource house where I collate great articles, playbooks, templates, courses, and tools that are useful to anyone who works in marketing, growth, or product.

When you refer someone to read Marketing For Geeks, I also share some of my more exclusive templates.

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About Me

I’m Lade Falobi, an eternally curious product marketer who has contributed to the growth of some amazing startups, including Flutterwave, Disha, Wicrypt, Motherboard, InvestNaija, and Corefans. I am currently building ReleaseLog.io for SaaS PMs & PMMs.

This newsletter is for you if you genuinely love marketing—i.e. if you’re a marketing geek. I love sharing ideas, debating theories, and learning new things, so please leave me comments or respond to my emails so we can geek out together.

Say hi to me on LinkedIn or Twitter

Here’s to growth🥂.

Subscribe to Marketing For Geeks

The second-best marketing newsletter you'll ever read. Actionable product marketing insights, templates, and frameworks in your inbox every other week. Read by leading marketers at Flutterwave, Google, Piggyvest and more.


product critic, marketing geek. writing the second-best marketing newsletter you'll ever read